
How does Akhmetov’s plant cooperate with the DPR? Why did Plotnitsky yell at the "Minister"? Imitation of primaries ... This and other issues in Sergey Garmash’s Occupation author’s radio programme

Zakharchenko’s strategy of the DPR development. Why militants are doomed to fight. Hello to Akhmetov from Zakharchenko. This and other issues in Sergey Garmash’s Occupation author radio programme.

He left everything: the house, the graves of relatives and then his own factory. The businessman did not want to continue work in the city full of flags of another country. He decided to reboot his business beyond the occupation and he could not imagine difficulties he would face. "The current government prefers to support the business on the occupied territory," - assured Dmitriy. Nevertheless, he decided to fight

One can distinguish five groups out of the variety of volunteer life of the "Donetsk People's Republic". These are religious communities; organization engaged in distributing the assistance of international humanitarian agencies; civil activists; volunteer groups set up due to ideological propaganda of the "DPR"; and volunteers from the Russian Federation

Will the DPR and LPR be united? How does Zakharchenko see the main results of his two-year "struggle"? Who are the heroes of the "DPR"? - You can hear answers to these and other topical questions of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the latest Sergey Garmash’s radio programme "Occupation".

"In my point of view, it means two things. Firstly, we have too many law enforcement agencies, they have too much power and receive too much money. Secondly, the MSS is degrading as a structure," - said Purgin. He complained that they hardly managed to celebrate the recent anniversary of the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic in the DPR and celebration of the Day of Russian Unity was cancelled in 2015.

There is a process of replacing heads of "2014 wave" with officials with experience who before the war were closely associated with the Party of Regions or have family ties with the leaders of the "republic".Information about some of the "republican" appointees is extremely scarce, but we have tried to demonstrate who are sitting in the "power" offices of the "DPR" and talk about some interesting facts and intricacies of their biographies.

Hungry for money employees are looking for something that is easy to be lost during the search. There are no witnesses, as a rule, during the search. If they do not find what they need, they begin to search anything for which they can get a ransom. There were cases when they exposed drugs to young boys, girls, understanding the psychology of the behaviour of the parents in this situation and their further actions. They ask for $ 2000 - $ 3000

And the general atmosphere of the city does not encourage you to walk after 22:00. Do not forget that, despite the outward friendliness of the waterfront or the central boulevards, now there are both our military and civilians (including I. Kozlovsky whose destiny is still unknown) in the basement of the "MSS" and no one likes jokes given articles of the Criminal Code with the death penalty for espionage

In the so-called "DPR" warlords and "ideological" were neutralized not not massively and loudly. However, as Igor Plotnitsky recently stated "if you do not write about it, it does not mean that such things do not exist in the DPR"… Alexander Zakharchenko just prefers to do it without theatrical effects. However, Donetsk militants showed violent showdowns trying to establish control over financial flows and redistribute the spheres of influence.

Russian authorities spared no expense for Crimea and prepared a real celebration: fireworks, concerts, mass celebrations, demonstrations ... And only when they woke up the next morning, on March 17th, the locals began to feel the effects of their exultation: frozen bank cards and accounts, crowds of people began to buy massively home appliances and other products and the worst thing is uncertainty in the future

"Vendetta" partisans’ activities also revealed machinations of the head of the Communist Party Petro Simonenko who "gave" the building of the Luhansk regional communist party to communist-militants from Russia. They also posted the payroll of Plotnitsky’s personal guards as a "pleasant" bonus for Luhansk separatist militants.

If you are detained at home, it means you have been shopped. It often happens that these people are neighbors or relatives. Someone with whom you communicated, someone with whom you had an argument. And then they got denunciation on you and came to you.The second option is when you're detained at the checkpoints of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR while crossing the demarcation line....

Coal, steel and heavy industry equipment are the main activities of Ukrainian Donbass. Russian companies enter the global market with the same range of products. To destroy rival and take his/her place in the sun are an old strategy and was well-developed in the market economy model...

the case should be investigated as such incidents undermine the image of Ukraine in the eyes of European partners and donors willing to invest in our country and to help those forced to leave their homes because of the war. By and large, forced migrants do not need charity from the state, they need to be able to start a full life. All they need from the state is not to interfere and not to put a spoke in the wheel...

Andrey Ermolayev, the director of the New Ukraine Institute of Strategic Research spoke and commented the most among the experts. When making his speech he proposed to open a dialogue with the representatives of the self-proclaimed authorities, to provide the region "autonomy instead of the republic", "reasonable administrative and territorial management of other regions of Donbass".

Aprons appeal to me. Lovely aprons with funny pattern for women, one costs one thousand rubles. The salary of the doctor is 5000 rubles, so an apron is the fifth part of the salary. I breathe, breathe, breathe this wonderful scent, and don not hurry to go out in the rain. But even in all this charm, I notice that only one out of the 10 cashiers at the supermarket works and there is no queue to it...

The meaning of “investing" a huge number of Russian budgets into the Republic can be exactly the same as in the recent Olympics. And then the war will scrap everything. And it will cover all "kickbacks" and "siphon offs". By the way, that’s why it’s beneficial for the officials: 1) to involve absolutely incompetent and morally wretched people (which get crumbs from the "siphon offs"); 2) early transfer of republics "back" to Ukraine...

Local news called fabulous amounts of humanitarian aid which Russia sends to us. I remember the excitement of Luhansk during the first raids of help. In the streets old men were crying, both the old and young were waving their hands in gratitude; we are remembered, we will not be left and will not be let to die. But time passed and gratitude and delight at first were changed into surprise where the aid goes, but then the anger of this dissonance between the broadcasting on TV and actually what’s happening in “LPR”.

This proves once again that instead of protecting state interests the GPU just helped O. Deripaska get rid of the liabilities of the assess, which in the new market environment would become a ballast. By the way, this is not the only example of a strange loyalty to the business of one Russian oligarch of who is very close to Vladimir Putin.

Some are tricky: they show Russian passports to Russian border guards, and Ukrainian one to Ukrainian border guards. Some people have repeatedly crossed the "border" like that as it is the simplest, but at the same time, the most dangerous option. On the one hand, it causes fewer problems with border guards, on the other, if you search and find the second passport, they can take it away and detain a person.

For me it is a secret what money people live on and commute to work. I feel that only market works in full power, you can find everything there. Supermarkets are open until 17:00, transport goes till 19:00, then a curfew. The city is dark, lights are off. In the evenings the city dies. Birthdays are celebrated in the morning, so that guests manage to get home.

The parents of these children rebelled, let’s say a quiet riot. When they started to write claims at the Ministry of Interior Affairs in Donetsk they started to release boys slowly. Finally they decided to wash them, poured them with cold water from a hose like prisoners are poured in appalling prisons. Are they fascists, so that they deserve such a treatment? They tell us that there are Nazis in Ukraine and why are they better then?

this does not mean the end of the fight or preservation of the crisis. This means Ukraine's transition from military action to HYBRID war, in which the military appear on the stage only at the end. Hybrid war involves pressure on the enemy primarily through POLITICAL, ECONOMIC and HUMANITARIAN factors. This means actions against the ruling Vladimir Putin’s political regime in Russia