Lately one of the most significant events that happened in the so-called "DPR" was siege and then elimination of "special forces unit "Troya".
The situation is really symbolic, even for those who have already got used to the constant internal "disputes" and killing the inconvenient in the "republic". According to various reports, from a few tens to a few hundred of militants were destroyed due to "Troya" assault. "Troya" assault was conducted with artillery, including BM-21 "Grad".
But the official "republican" elite is still stubbornly silent and pretends as if nothing happened. And if before the assault the basic information came from "Troyans", who posted the corresponding videos, now it’s hard to find any information from those who witnessed the events or are relatives of the militants.
Recently, a document appeared on the Internet, it is a request from a number of public and military organizations, including Russian, in the face of official representative in the Russian Federation of "Donetsk Republic Social Movement" of E. Shabayev. According to the document, as a result of the assault of 108 people, 9 militants were taken captive, 7 escaped, "and the destiny of 92 soldiers is unknown" (the latter, in Shabayev’s assumption, were allegedly taken away in black bags in an unknown direction).
However, people argue in the social networks that the number of people could be up to three hundred, since, in addition to the basic structure, units from the "LPR" (in particular, "Prizrak" militants) came to help “Trayans”, as well as some of the "militia" of other units of the "DPR", that is confirmed by a series of videos.
Nevertheless, the reaction of silent Zakharchenko on Shabaev’s request was predictable – as Shabayev commented: "Zakharchenko received my letter - I am no longer the official representative of Donetsk Republic SM. Everything at its best – I was asked to return my identity document in connection with my request. These bandits ... ".
However, the separatist official media are still silent, and neither Basurin nor Zakharchenko, Pushilin or "head of the MSS", department of which "Troyans" helped so actively, have not made any statements. It is impossible to reach the ups of the "DPR" on this issue.
Moreover,comments in social public servers of those, who raise the issue of "Troya", criticize "republican" government and already openly call Zakharchenko a man of "Akhmetov", are deleted.
A special video was made to reassure the "DPR citizens" and show that there is no trace of active fighting in the empty location of "Troya". It is noteworthy that the fake web video has been already criticized in the separatist environment itself that ridiculed attempt to hide quickly traces of shells with cement and represent as a decoration of some wall.
The main version of the silence of the "republic" ups in respect to "Troya" can be explained by "Troyans" being accused of creation of so-called "dead souls" when the data of the personnel of the "army of the DPR" were intentionally overstatemented in order to obtain more funds from of the Russian Federation to maintain the corps. Of course, the "extra" money went into the pockets of the first echelon of the "republican elite".
Stas Vasin, for OstroV, Donetsk