
Russian federation lost 80 thousand servicemen over six months of war in Ukraine - Wallace 09/06/2022 12:00:27. Total views 607. Views today — 1.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the russian army has already lost more than 80 thousand soldiers killed, wounded, captured and deserters. This was reported on September 5 by Express.

Such an assessment of the losses of the invaders was called by British Minister of Defense Ben Wallace during his speech to the British deputies.

"Russia continues to lose significant equipment and personnel. It is estimated to date that over 25 000 Russian soldiers have lost their lives and in all, if you include killed casualties captured, or the now reported tens of thousands of deserters is over 80 000 dead or injured in the other categories", - the British defense minister said.

According to Wallace, these loses will have a long-lasting impact on russia's army and its combat effectiveness. At the same time, despite such losses, the occupiers have yet to achieve any of their strategic objectives.

Meanwhile, Ukraine is making "real gains" in its counteroffensive in the south. In particular, Wallace noted that the Ukrainian troops had inflicted serious damage on a range of river crossings of the occupiers. All this seriously affected the logistics of the russians in the Kherson direction.

"As of today, the Ukrainian army are engaging with Russian forces using both artillery and ground-level operations. They are making real gains but understandably, as we have seen elsewhere in this conflict, the fighting is close and hard and Ukraine are suffering losses associated with an attacking force", - Wallace concluded.

Let us recall that according to the estimates of the AFU General Staff, our soldiers have already destroyed almost 50 thousand invaders.