
Terrorist Girkin says relatives of deceased MH17 passengers are "mutants" 01/30/2018 17:00:36. Total views 1168. Views today — 1.

Russian militant Igor Girkin (Strelkov) called relatives of deceased passengers of the MH17 Malaysia airliner, shot down over Donbass in July 2014, as "mutants". He wrote this in a social network.

Earlier it was reported, that a group of relatives of deceased passengers of the MH17 Malaysia airliner, shot down over Donbass in July 2014, has won a case in a U.S. court. The victory will allow them to seek hundreds of millions of dollars worth of compensation. The suit was filed by family members of 25 victims of the MH17 airliner, ten of whom are Dutch citizens. A case was opened against one of the leaders of the “DNR” Girkin.

The terrorist commented on the court's decision: "Now I cannot worry for my life in the next thousand years – these mutants (because only mutants estimate the lives of relatives in money) will not let me die before they make me earn and pay 400 or 500 million dollars (half a billion, just in case!) for those who died in the shot down (not by me) Boeing", - he wrote.

At the same time, he added that this court decision allows him to feel himself the owner of such funds.

"In general, it is pleasant to feel myself like a "half-billionaire"... After all, to owe someone half a billion is almost the same as having it...", - the militant continued mocking.

The Malaysian MH17 Boeing airliner, traveling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down on July 17, 2014 over Donbass. All 298 passengers on board were killed. Investigators have determined a Russian BUK land-to-air missile shot down the plane. Although the missile system was delivered to Ukraine and brought back to Russia after the tragedy, Russian officials continue to deny any involvement. According to Bellingcat, BUK was transported by retired Russian Major General Sergei Dubinsky ("Hmuryj").

The militant Girkin, who at that time called himself "the DNR Minister of Defence", on the day of the Malaysian airliner shot down, admitted in the social network that the militants shot down the plane. Initially, he reported of the crash of Ukrainian military transport plane. When it turned out that they shot down a civilian plane with 298 passengers, this message was deleted.