
Population of CADO is reduced by pseudo-vaccination with investigational drug 12/02/2021 18:07:00. Total views 3416. Views today — 1.

Against the background of high mortality from complications caused by the COVID-19 viral infection COVID-19, the educational process for schoolchildren resumed in the "DNR" on November 22. The corresponding order was signed by "head" of the "republic" Pushilin on November 17: "I order: To organize the educational process by personal attendance from 22.11.21 for students of grades 1-11 of educational organizations of the DNR, carrying out educational activities according the basic educational programs of primary general, basic general and secondary general education… first of all, by teachers who have passed vaccination against coronavirus infection".

Of course, the parents of schoolchildren are glad with the "order" of the "head". Because they are tired of organizing the educational process for their children. But the teachers became depressed. Not because they have to work, but because they are afraid of the Russian vaccine.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, there have been few teachers who want to be vaccinated with Sputnik. But no one really forced them to do this before. In the spring, when it was reported on TV that the mass vaccination of the most correct vaccine in the world, Sputnik V, was beginning in the "republic", there was simply not enough of it, so the turn did not reach the teachers. And in August, when candidates from the United Russia ruling political party brought Sputnik Light to the "republic" as part of the election campaign, everyone who had the desire and opportunity to travel to Ukraine by that time had already received a certified vaccine. But the "Ministry of Education" of the "DNR" states that it does not recognize the Ukrainian-type certificate, and all teachers must be vaccinated without fail as soon as humanitarian aid from Russia is delivered to Donetsk.

According to the "DNR" "Ministry of Health", a new batch of two vaccines should arrive in November: "A humanitarian convoy from the Russian Federation will deliver a two-component Gam-COVID-Vac vaccine of the Sputnik V trademark and a one-component Sputnik Light for revaccination and maintenance of post-vaccinal immunity".

"For revaccination?" - the Donetsk residents, vaccinated with Sputnik Light, were outraged. "Why did we vaccinated with it?" After all, there were many people in August-September who wanted to inject this dubious liquid into themselves in the hope of getting protection from the evil virus. Users of social networks write that they apparently conducted an experiment on them. And now it becomes clear why there is a rapid increase in morbidity and high mortality from COVID-19 in the uncontrolled Donbas. Because thousands of Donetsk residents received the ineffective vaccine and, believing in their safety, did not adhere to sanitary and hygiene standards and observed no social distance.

Having seen the consequences of pseudo-vaccination, Russia quickly shifted its ground and made new recommendations regarding Sputnik Light. Already in October, head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mikhail Murashko confirmed that now this drug is used only for revaccination. But the "authorities" of the "DNR" together with the "Ministry of Health" continue to popularize this vaccine as effective as the first dose in a way that шs beyond cold. Allegedly, this is the best vaccine and it was made according to the Soviet formulas. That by default should be perceived by the population as safe, marked with a quality mark.

Residents of the uncontrolled Donbas have no choice but to assume that such Sputnik Light propaganda is not accidental. It is likely that it will be offered as a vaccination to the majority of the population.

Meanwhile, the Sputnik Light vaccine raises great concerns. And that is why. It is known that there is an official register of registered drugs and ongoing clinical studies. There is a registration number LP-006993 regarding the name "Sputnik Light" and an instruction containing the following information: "The instruction was prepared on the basis of a limited amount of clinical data on the use of the drug and will be supplemented as new data becomes available. The use of the drug is possible only under conditions of medical organizations entitled to carry out preventive vaccination of the population in accordance with the established procedure. The protective titer of antibodies is currently unknown. The duration of protection is unknown… Indications for use. Prevention of new coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in adults from 18 to 60 years. Decision-making on vaccination should be based on an assessment of the balance of benefits and risks in each specific situation".

In fact, Russia itself is afraid to use Sputnik Light. There is information that only migrant workers are vaccinated with this vaccine in the Russian Federation. However, this fact does not stop officials from the "Ministry of Health" of the "DNR". Today the official website of this department has posted information that Sputnik Light is a light version of the Sputnik V Russian vaccine, which does not require the administration of the second dose, the effectiveness of which is estimated at 79.4%.

Consequently, residents of the uncontrolled territories of Donbas, who have already been or will soon be vaccinated with the single-component Sputnik Light vaccine, are a priori "guinea pigs" for Russian pharmacists. Of course, no one will know the real numbers of deaths or complications after this vaccination campaign. And it is clear that the Russian Federation will not be held responsible for the death or illness of people. To please the Kremlin, the "authorities" of the "people's republic" are committing a crime, declaring that at least 1 million people will be vaccinated by the end of the year. This number will include those who do not want or cannot lose their jobs. How many of them will lose their lives is unknown.


Liusia Molchanova, for OstroV