
UN published a report with evidence of russian soldiers’ war crimes 03/16/2023 17:58:35. Total views 411. Views today — 0.

The UN has published a report presenting evidence of war crimes committed by russian soldiers. This was reported by the "BILD in russian" Telegram channel.

According to the investigative commission of the UN Human Rights Council, russian soldiers have committed numerous war crimes in the war against Ukraine. These include deliberate killings, attacks on civilians, illegal detentions, rape and forcible deportation of children, as stated in the report published on March 16 in Geneva.

According to the report, russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure and the use of torture may be classified as crimes against humanity.

"Many of the deliberate killings, illegal detentions, rapes and acts of sexual violence were committed during house searches aimed at finding supporters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces or searching for weapons", - the statement said. Arbitrarily arrested people were often held by russian armed forces in overcrowded cells under the most unfavorable conditions.

"In one case, ten elderly people died as a result of inhumane conditions in the basement of a school, and the remaining detainees, including children, were in the same room as the bodies of the deceased", - the statement said. In cases of rape of family members, including children, they were forced to witness the crime.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces were also criticized in some cases: indiscriminate attacks and two cases of torture of russian prisoners of war are considered war crimes, the commission said.

As reported earlier, the kremlin pretends not to understand the reasons for the negative attitude towards the russian federation as an aggressor country. They want to discuss this at the UN Security Council.