
Invaders lose from 50 to 90% of their personnel during retreat in Kharkiv region 09/19/2022 10:09:57. Total views 466. Views today — 0.

During the retreat from the Kharkov oblast, the invaders lost more than half of their personnel and more than 200 units of military equipment. This was announced in the morning report on September 18 by the AFU General Staff.

"According to updated information, during the retreat of the invaders from the Kharkiv oblast, units of the 11th Army Corps from the Baltic Fleet of the russian Armed Forces lost more than 50% of their personnel and more than 200 pieces of military equipment", - the Ukrainian military report.

Even more serious losses were suffered by the 63rd separate motorized rifle brigade of the Eastern Military District. According to our General Staff, it lost more than 90% of its personnel. We are talking about both the dead and the wounded, deserters and dismissed due to refusal to participate in hostilities.

According to available information, the equipment of the brigade is being handed over to units of the border service of the FSB. The military unit itself began to be prepared for disbandment.

Let us recall that Volodymyr Zelensky stated that during the counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region, the Ukrainian military had captured hundreds of invaders.