
Militants do not comply with the agreement on the discharge of weapons and do not let the mission to the border with Russia – OSCE 12/09/2015 22:00:04. Total views 1276. Views today — 0.

In eastern Ukraine the Minsk agreements are not met concerning discharge of weapons from militants contact line. This was stated at a press conference in Donetsk by the deputy head of the Special Monitoring Mission of the OSCE in Ukraine, Alexander Hug - reports LIGABusinessInform.

"I would like to say a few words about the discharge of weapons. We received lists of weapons from the representatives of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, we have got the basic information from LPR, but we have got nothing from the DPR" – said he.

According to him, in accordance with Annex of Minsk-2 on withdrawal of tanks and weapons of smaller caliber, OSCE observers have seen "some differences" between what they had been told by the parties and what types of weapons arrived at their places of permanent deployment.

Hug noted that OSCE representatives had problems with access to places of discharge of weapons. The deputy head of the mission said that when the OSCE patrol arrived at the Luhansk site, where LPR howitzers are stored, armed men near the guns began firing into the air.

"Thus they did not allow the observers", - he said.

Furthermore, Hug argues that the representatives of the OSCE mission have difficulty accessing areas of uncontrolled border of Ukraine with the Russian Federation. "One of the difficulties that we are experiencing is a problem with access to the international border of Ukraine and Russia in areas that are not controlled by the Government of Ukraine", - said the observer.