
The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that Russian aircraft could not land at the Donetsk airport 04/12/2016 18:24:31. Total views 1561. Views today — 0.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that Russian aircraft could not land on the runway at theDonetsk airport. This was announced by the speaker of the General Staff Vladislav Seleznev in the comment to InfoResist.

"It's impossible. The Donetsk airport is under the fire control of Ukrainian military. In addition, aircrafts of the Russian Federation are forbidden to fly over the territory of Ukraine," - said Seleznyov.

As reported by OstroV, the self-proclaimed fighters of the "DPR" began to repair the runway of the destroyed Donetsk airport. According to a source in Donetsk, the repairing was carried out in late March - early April and now a runway can receive transport planes. The city rumors persist that the military transport aircraft of the Russian aerospace forces repeatedly landed repaired runway of the airport.

Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine confirmed the repair work on the runway of the Donetsk airport but didn’t confirm that it has already received Russian planes.