
The Netherlands voted against the EU-Ukraine Association. The referendum took place - preliminary results 04/07/2016 10:43:01. Total views 1146. Views today — 1.

More than 60% of citizens of the Netherlands voted against the EU-Ukraine Association who took part in the referendum on the Agreement on the association of Ukraine with the EU. These are preliminary results, - reportsUNIAN.

Thus, the attendance of the referendum was 32.2%. Votes "for" - 38.1%, "against" - 61.1%. Invalid ballots are 0.8%.

Official data should be announced by the Electoral Council of the Netherlands on April 12th. After that the government of the country must decide what to do next.

In this regard, the Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte said the government would review what to do with the results of the referendum "step by step" and noted that he would talk with our partners from the EU and the country's parliament.

According to him, it "will take weeks and possibly even months."