
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 02/03/2022 12:00:00. Total views 800. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on February 2, two violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded, - the headquarters of the Joint Forces Operation reported. The Russian occupation troops shelled the Hnutove entry-exit checkpoint in the Donetsk oblast. To shell the humanitarian road corridor passing through the checkpoint, the enemy used an unmanned aerial vehicle, from which it dropped a grenade launcher fragmentation round. In addition, the occupiers opened fire from hand-held anti-tank and automatic heavy grenade launchers in the direction of Talakivka. There are no losses among the military personnel of the Joint Forces as a result of the enemy actions. Ukrainian soldiers returned fire without using weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements and forced the enemy to stop shelling.

Trucks of Russian occupiers got into an accident at the entrance to occupied Shakhtarsk. Residents of CADO wrote: "KamAZ was lying upside down in a ditch. The road was blocked because they were waiting for the police"; "Gibbons without flashing lights. If only they could identify themselves, scumbags".

In occupied Donetsk, there were continued reports of mining not only of schools, but also of a number of technical schools, lyceums, colleges and universities. Because of these messages, students and teachers were evacuated, - was written in the local segment of social networks. So, it is known that the buildings of such "republican" educational institutions were urgently left: technical school of factory automation; technical university; University of Economics and Trade; medical university; "national" university. It also became known that in addition to schools in Donetsk and Horlivka, there were reports of mining all schools in Chystiakove (formerly Torez), as well as educational institutions in Makiivka, Krestivka (formerly Kirovske), Yenakiieve, Khartsyzsk, Dokuchaievsk, Zuhres, Zhdanivka and Ilovaisk. Students and staff were evacuated.

Reports of "mining" of schools in CADO on February 2 allegedly came from liquidated Russian militant "Motorola". This was reported by the separatist Telegram channel. "Arsen Pavlov, who would have turned 39 today, had such a call sign. The terrorists cynically reminded him of his birthday", - the report said. The mailing to schools about mining also said that "perhaps in your houses and cars, many of our surprises are laid".

Another 1248 cases of Covid-19 were detected in the occupied territory of the Donetsk region over the day. This was announced on February 2 by the fake "Ministry of Health of the DNR". Three patients also died over the day. 7 648 patients are on treatment. In addition, 71 cases of "usual" pneumonia were detected over the day, of which 53 people were hospitalized. In total, 711 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 347 are on oxygen support (+12 over the day).

In CADO, the number of employees at the Donetsk Metallurgical Plant, which was grabbed by the occupiers of the Russian Federation, has decreased from 10 to 4 thousand people since 2014. This was reported by Andrey Yegorov, who calls himself the chief engineer of the DMP, in an interview with the separatist Telegram channel. "The team had up to 10 thousand people at the best of times, it was reduced to 3 thousand in the first years of the war. As of today, about 4 thousand people work", - Yegorov said. According to him, the DMP is actively looking for specialists, but they are not available. "While the enterprise stood still, many of the former ones left", - Yegorov admitted. At the same time, it is not clear what prospects await the enterprise, since it has been idle for two years. In January last year, the plant allegedly "was transferred to the management of a new investor, and already in May, they launched a blast furnace and began to smelt pig iron". The second furnace had to be stopped for a long extensive repair. According to Yegorov, metallurgists are going to finish it in a year. And then, perhaps, the DMP will be able to produce 100 thousand tons of pig iron a month, - a person, who calls himself the DMP chief engineer, suggested.