
Detachments of "volunteers" being prepared in Russia for transfer to uncontrolled Donbas - SDD 01/28/2022 17:46:20. Total views 876. Views today — 0.

Detachments of "volunteers" are already being prepared in Russia for the transfer to the uncontrolled Donbas. This was stated by the so-called executive director of the Union of Donbas Volunteers Andrey Pinchuk, - the SDD website reports.

"The Union of Donbas Volunteers states that we will not stand aside from these events. Russian volunteers have begun to form units to participate in the defense against Ukrainian aggression, if any. We are currently completing the processes of command and staff exercises of Russian volunteers and are ready to take part in protection of the People's Republics from the aggressive actions of the criminal Ukrainian side", - Pinchuk stated.

As previously reported, SDD was established in 2015. It united Russian mercenaries who took part in the occupation of Donbas. With the cessation of active hostilities, it turned into a kind of recruiting center. SDD is headed by a militant and terrorist, first leader of the "DNR" Alexander Borodai.