
France, Germany and USA ignore idea of "DNR/LNR" occupiers to invite them to "Normandy format" 07/06/2021 17:49:07. Total views 775. Views today — 0.

Official Paris, Berlin and Washington did not react in any way to the proposal of the "DNR/LNR" puppet authorities to admit them to a "one-off" meeting in the "Normandy format" on an equal footing with the USA. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko announced this to reporters on Tuesday, -Russian media report.

"The proposal was sent, we will wait for a reaction. So far, we have not received this reaction either from the USA or from other members of the Normandy format about whether they are to some extent satisfied with the proposed composition", - he said.

As previously reported, on Monday, the "DNR/LNR" occupiers, allegedly on their own initiative, offered to hold a one-time meeting in the "Normandy format" (Germany, Russia, France and Ukraine) with the participation of the USA and representatives of CADLO equal to the American delegation.

"We do not welcome and do not see the possibility of changing the Normandy format in any form, including in the form of including the USA in its composition, however, as an exception, we admit their one-time participation on a parity basis with the LDNR", - Natalia Nikonorova, who calls herself the "Minister of the DNR MFA" and who has no subjectivity in the peace negotiations on the Donbas, stated.