
Ukraine closes airspace for Belarusian planes 05/28/2021 15:28:05. Total views 912. Views today — 0.

The Cabinet of Ministers has banned the use of the airspace of Ukraine by aircraft registered in the registers of the Republic of Belarus. The relevant decision was made at an extraordinary session of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 28, - the press service of the Ukrainian government reports.

The government notes that in connection with the situation that developed on May 23, 2021 during the Ryanair airline Athens-Vilnius flight and in order to ensure the safety of flights and passengers, the Ministry of Infrastructure and the State Aviation Administration together with the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Services State Enterprise were instructed to establish a corresponding ban from 00:00 a.m. on May 29, 2021, taking into account the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of May 25, 2021.

"Also, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Aviation Administration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, should take measures to inform the relevant bodies of the Republic of Belarus about this ban in accordance with the norms of international law", - the Cabinet of Ministers reported.

As previously reported, Ukraine had stopped flights with Belarus since May 26.