
"Citizens of Ukraine". Security officers of Abkhazia do not dare to link militants from guards of Akhra Avidzba with "DNR" 03/09/2021 14:16:50. Total views 1204. Views today — 0.

Abkhazian mercenary Akhra Avidzba was detained by law enforcement officers of unrecognized Abkhazia after he refused to disband his armed guards, consisting of the "DNR" militants. This is said in the message of the so-called "State Security Service of the Republic of Abkhazia".

"On March 4, 2021, citizen of the Republic of Abkhazia Akhrik Avidzba, born in 1986, was invited to the State Security Service of the Republic of Abkhazia to conduct an explanatory conversation with him about the further prevention of the presence of armed guards with him, consisting of foreign citizens. A.Avidzba rejected the proposal of the law enforcement agencies", - it says.

It is noted that on the same day, "during the implementation of operational information by officers of the State Security Service and the MIA of the Republic of Armenia at the place of residence of A.Avidzba, light machine guns, machine guns, pistols and ammunition for them in large quantities, hand anti-tank grenade launchers and means of special communication were discovered and seized".


Avidzba was detained and later, arrested by the decision of the so-called court. Five of his guards were also taken into custody. "Mostly citizens of Ukraine", - the Abkhaz "security officers" specify.

They allegedly planned to take part in an attempted coup d'état.

As it was reported earlier, ex-battalion commander of the Piatnashka illegal armed formation Akhra Avidzba ("Abkhaz") was detained in unrecognized Abkhazia. His personal guards, who call themselves "citizens of the DNR", were detained together with him.