
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 03/04/2021 13:00:00. Total views 979. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on March 3, four violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The occupiers opened aimed fire from grenade launchers of various systems near the settlement of Vodiane (Volnovakha district), which is in Pryazovia. The enemy fired several unaimed shots from heavy anti-tank grenade launchers towards the Ukrainian positions near Vodiane (Yasynuvata district), which is near Donetsk, and from small arms - not far from Kamianka. The Russian occupation troops fired at our positions not far from the village of Prychepylivka, using an under-barrel grenade launcher and small arms. One serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was wounded by a bullet as a result of the shelling. The warrior was promptly taken to a medical institution, where he is provided with the necessary medical care. The health of the serviceman is satisfactory.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" allowed their gangs to open "preemptive" fire on the Ukrainian positions. This was said in the "emergency statement" of the so-called "people's militia". "Due to the lack of reaction of international observers to the ongoing shelling of populated areas of the Republic, in order to protect the population from Ukrainian terror, units of the People's Militia were given permission to conduct preemptive fire in order to suppress and destroy the enemy firing points", - the "emergency statement" said.

The "DNR" security forces carried out a mass raid at the entrance to occupied Horlivka. Local residents wrote this on social networks. It was noted that the occupiers had set up a checkpoint, where they carefully checked all transport, documents and phones of drivers and passengers entering the city. These checks took quite a long time, so there were long queues on the outskirts of Horlivka, which took several hours to stand in. "Explain what kind of ass is at the exit-entrance to Horlivka? Why do not they check Donetsk or other cities, why exactly Horlivka? My husband drove 40 minutes from the city and 4 hours to enter. Bypasses are being monitored. Have they lost their marbles? Persecution mania?", - local residents were indignant. "Two days! Documents, a phone and the whole car. The check takes 5 hours there and back. But nothing is checked in Donetsk!", - another message said.

80 new cases of coronavirus infection were detected in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the day. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". In addition, eight deaths have been reported. In total, as of March 3, there are 24634 confirmed cases of the disease in CADO, 5746 patients are being treated, 2054 people have died. Mortality remains at an extremely high level - 8.34%. The occupiers also identified 71 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day, which is 12 cases more than in the previous day. Of these, 53 patients were hospitalized. In total, 865 patients with "usual" pneumonia are being treated, of which 446 are on oxygen support (+13 over the day).

It is impossible to send any postal items to Russia in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, if they have the symbols of the "DNR" on them. The so-called "DNR military commander" Marina Kharkova wrote this in social networks. The separatist is outraged by the situation when there is a propaganda of the "Russian doctrine" for CADO in the "republic" on the one hand, but, on the other hand, there are no steps towards rapprochement with the Russian Federation. "F@cking integrators! Today I faced another moronism of a "prosperous republic integrating into Russia" according to the concept of notable local and Russian propagandists. So, did you know that sending any parcels with the "DNR" symbols to Russia by mail is prohibited? I was trying to send a letter of thanks and a letter of recognition to the Russian volunteers. But it was not accepted. The postmen stated that sending with the symbols of the "DNR" is prohibited and "they will not let it through". They did not explain - prohibited by whom. The "Russian Donbass" doctrine? Haha! Here is the reality. Perhaps, I missed something and the DNR is now a banned organization in Russia, such as ISIL or Right Sector", - Kharkova was indignant. Local publics comment on this post: "Donbass needs working enterprises, quality education and medicine. Instead, there is a doctrine. I do not even want to write. You cannot make normal roads. We are going to Russia…".

Centralized water supply has been suspended in occupied Khartsyzk. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the DNR". Also, 12 transformer substations are de-energized in Khartsyzk. "Zuyivka, Zarichchia and Zuyivka dead end are without light. The city "administration" reported that the reason was being investigated. In addition, the occupation "administration" of Ilovaisk reported today about the turning water supply off in the city. "In connection with the repair work, the water supply will be stopped on 03.03.2021 from 09:00", - the message said. The timing of completion of the repair work was not reported.

Extremely popular gastro-pub Pig was on fire on 13 Pushkin Boulevard in the center of occupied Donetsk. This was reported by eyewitnesses in social networks. They wrote that "squads of three fire engines are taking part in extinguishing the fire". The details are not yet known. No casualties were reported. Separatist media reported that the fire occurred inside the building.

A tram derailed in the Budonivskyi district of occupied Donetsk, the movement of trams on routes No.10 and 15 was suspended. This was announced by Alexey Kulemzin, who calls himself the "head of the city administration", in social networks. "The movement of trams on routes No.10 and 15 has been temporarily suspended. The car has derailed in the area of the Budenny square. The emergency work is underway", - Kulemzin wrote.

The so-called "DNR State Property Fund" in occupied Donetsk announced the lease of a number of real estate objects turned into "state property by a court decision". In particular, the tenants are given: non-residential integrated premises with a total area of ​​27.34 sq. m on the first floor of the building located at the address: 86A Artema Str., Donetsk. Previously, there were premises of FC Shakhtar; non-residential integrated premises with an area of ​​9.5 sq. m on the first floor of an administrative building, located at the address: 10 Khodakovskogo Str., Donetsk. Previously, there was the Department for the Execution of Sentences; building with a total area of ​​839.8 sq. m, located at the address: 63 Illyicha Ave., Donetsk. Previously, the NIKO Premium Donetsk car showroom was located there.

A schoolgirl drowned in a pond in occupied Alchevsk, her friend was rescued. This is said in a message on the website of the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR". The incident occurred at the Orlovy-1 pond in the village of Vasylivka.

The Luhanskvoda enterprise, controlled by the "LNR" militants, will suspend the water supply to the southern part of occupied Luhansk on March 4 due to the repair of the water conduit, separatist media wrote. "Specialists of the Southern Directorate of the Luhanskvoda LNR State Unitary Enterprise are going to carry out emergency recovery work on water pipeline with a diameter of 400 mm VNS-1 - VNS Artemivska in Luhansk on Thursday, March 4, - the message said. As a result, water supply to consumers in the southern part of the city will be cut off from 09:00 to 23:00 on March 4.