
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 02/04/2021 11:00:00. Total views 894. Views today — 0.

One violation of the ceasefire was recorded in the area of the Joint Forces Operation on February 3, - the JFO headquarters reported. The Russian occupiers opened fire from a grenade machine gun in the area of responsibility of the East tactical force near Hnutove. There are no combat losses among the Ukrainian defenders.

In the occupied Donetsk region, a strike began at branch No.6 of Vneshtorgservis CJSC - Yasynivka Coke Plant, which was joined by the workers of branch No.7 - Makiivkoks. This was reported in the separatist segment of social networks. "Yesterday, on February 2, the workers of the enterprise were given 12% of their monthly wages and asked to return to work. However, the workers of the plant continued to strike with demands to return the debts", - the statement said. It is assumed that if the strike at the enterprises continues and coke from the Yasynivka Coke Plant ceases to be supplied to CALO at branch No.12 - Alchevsk Iron and Steel Works, then AISW will be stopped again.

189 new cases of coronavirus infection and 69 cases of "usual" pneumonia were detected in the CADO on February 2. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR". In addition, 10 deaths have been reported. In total, the "DNR" occupiers confirmed 20 786 cases of coronavirus disease as of February 3, 7990 are undergoing treatment and 1812 people have died. The mortality rate is still incomparably higher than that in the free territory of Ukraine - 8.72%. 69 cases of pneumonia, which the occupiers refuse to associate with "covid", were also detected in the CADO during the day. Of these, 53 patients were hospitalized. A total of 1396 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 645 are on oxygen support (+19 over the day).

Doctors registered 2641 cases of coronavirus infection in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast, - separatist media wrote. Another fatal case was also reported over the past day.

About 65 thousand cubic meters of SMW is removed from the places of unauthorized dumps in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast. This was written by separatist media. "Despite the active work in this direction, unauthorized disposal sites are sprouting like mushrooms", - said Dmitry Tokmakov, who calls himself "the head of the area improvement and public services department". According to him, Yasynuvata - 344 dumps, Starobesheve district - 326 dumps and Makiivka - 267 dumps became the "leaders" in the formation of fly dumping in CADO in 2020.

A man who attacked a passer-by with a knife near the Lenin Square in the city center was detained in occupied Donetsk. This was reported by separatist media. Being under the influence of alcohol, the 41-year-old man stabbed a stranger in the back with a knife. "The detainee told that he had a dispute with an unknown man near the Lenin Square. Having seen a citizen similar to him in the square, he ran up to him from behind and stabbed him", - the message said with reference to the "DNR MIA", which added that as a result of the incident, "criminal proceeding has been opened for intentional infliction of slight harm to health with the use of weapons".