
Representative of Russia in TCG calls reminder that the Russian Federation is a party to the conflict in Donbas abuse of authority - Harmash 02/03/2021 12:48:10. Total views 926. Views today — 0.

A representative of the Russian Federation in the subgroup on political issues called the reminder of the Ukrainian side that Russia is the second party to the conflict in Donbas an abuse of authority. Representative of CADO in the TCG Serhiy Harmash wrote this on his Facebook.

"Today's Groundhog Day fully lived up to reputation at the working group of the Minsk TCG on political issues. For the 148th meeting, Russia is trying to replace the parties to the conflict, stating that not it, but CADLO is "the second party in the conflict with Ukraine", - he reported.

According to S.Harmash, "an attempt to replace the party to the conflict and, accordingly, negotiations, is manifested even in the deliberate substitution of the notion "Trilateral Contact Group" for the non-existent "Contact Group" and "CADLO" - for the "Donbas", which is absent in the Minsk documents.

"The representative of the Russian Federation in the subgroup came to the point when he called the statement of head of the Ukrainian delegation in the subgroup Andriy Kostin, who has recalled that Russia was the second party to the conflict with Ukraine, "abuse of authority", - the representative of CADO from the IDPs noted.