
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 01/29/2021 12:00:00. Total views 727. Views today — 0.

Two violations of the ceasefire were recorded in the area of the Joint Forces Operation on January 28, - the JFO headquarters reported. The armed formations of the Russian Federation opened fire towards the Ukrainian positions from 120-caliber mortars, grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms not far from the settlement of Vodiane in Pryazovia. Our soldiers returned fire to the shelling from the Russian occupation forces. There are no combat losses among the Ukrainian defenders.

The so-called doctrine of the "Russian Donbass" was presented at the so-called "integration forum" in occupied Donetsk. It openly provides for the expansion of Russian occupation to the entire territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblast and the inclusion of the entire south-east of Ukraine in the orbit of the "Russian World". The authors of the "doctrine" are not embarrassed by the fact that these (and many others) of its provisions fundamentally contradict the terms of the Minsk agreements. For example, it declares the spread of occupation power to the territory of the entire Donbas. "The borders of the Donetsk People's Republic align with the borders of the former Donetsk oblast of Ukraine, and of the Luhansk People's Republic - with the borders of the former Luhansk oblast… and must be reunited with the Republics of Donbass, becoming their part", - the authors of the "doctrine" state. It also revives the idea of ​​creating a certain "Novorossia" on the Ukrainian lands, which, according to the plans of the pro-Kremlin authorities of CADLO, should include the southeastern oblasts of Ukraine.

During a speech at the so-called "Russian Donbass" forum in occupied Donetsk, editor-in-chief of the Russian international network of information TV channels Russia Today (RT) Margarita Simonyan stated that residents of eastern Ukraine "want to live at home" and called on Russia to annex the region to its territory. "The people of Donbass want to live at home and be a part of our great and generous Motherland. And we owe it to them. Mother Russia, take the Donbass home", - Simonyan said, adding that the region's residents "want to be able to be Russians". The Russia Today (RT) TV network is the main mouthpiece of Russian propaganda, funded by the Russian government.

Another 305 cases of coronavirus disease were detected in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast over the day. This was said in the report of the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In total, there are 19 995 registered and confirmed cases of COVID-19 infection in CADO as of January 28, 7561 patients are undergoing treatment, and 1763 people died (+21 over the day). The mortality rate is 8.8%, which is several times higher than that in the free territory of Ukraine and in the world. The occupiers also provide statistics on cases of pneumonia that are not associated with COVID-19. So, 70 cases of pneumonia were detected over the day, of which 63 people were hospitalized. In total, 1524 patients with "usual" pneumonia are being treated, of which 657 are on oxygen support (+17 over the day).

Doctors registered a total of 2566 cases of coronavirus infection in the occupied Luhansk region, separatist media wrote. Three more deaths from the coronavirus were also reported over the day.

Advertisements are being spread in the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk oblast, inviting people to join the ranks of the illegal armed formations. Future militants are offered an increased monetary allowances of $262 (previously they paid $196) and free "training" in educational institutions working illegally in the "LNR".

A peaceful gathering of workers with questions to the management about the delay in wages took place at the Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works, which was "nationalized by the DNR" and is now called branch No.2 Vneshtorgservis. This was reported in the separatist segment of social networks. It is noted that the wage arrears for today are more than 3 months. "New acting director of the plant, Sergey Liulchak (former director Gennadiy Bobylev recently left the DNR) came out to the people. The workers were not filming, since it is prohibited on the territory of the plant, and some were reprimanded and deprived of bonuses for the past cases identified. The theses of the management at the gathering were familiar: they will give 25% of the debt soon, everything is bad in metallurgy, there is no money. Production at the Yenakiieve Iron and Steel Works was suspended until February 4 - there are not enough pellets, water supply services are not paid for, there is no steam and heating (the premises are cold)", - local bloggers told.

Residents of Kalmiuske (before renaming - Komsomolske) in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast remained without water supply. This was said in the summary of the fake "DNR Ministry of Emergency Situations". The reason for the emergency was a leak in a water conduit with a diameter of 273 mm. 5300 subscribers and 4 social facilities of the city were left without water supply. The occupiers report that they are carrying out repair and restoration work without specifying when it will be completed.

More than 900 subscribers and three educational institutions of Alchevsk in the occupied Luhansk region were left without heat due to a leak in the heating main. This was stated in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the LNR". "As a result of a leak in the heating main with a diameter of 720 mm along the Dunayvaroshska Street, 11, 16 residential buildings (901 subscribers in total), a technical school, vocational school No.8 and secondary school No.6 remain without heat supply", - the message said. It was reported that 386 residential buildings and a number of social and cultural facilities were left without heat a day earlier, as a result of two accidents on the main heating networks in Alchevsk.

Squirrels were previously seen on the outskirts and parks of occupied Donetsk. Now residents say that the animals "jump on balconies" already in the city center.