
Defendant in case of large bribe nevertheless dismissed from post of head of Large Taxpayers Office - Lutsenko 01/14/2021 14:38:17. Total views 819. Views today — 0.

Head of the Large Taxpayers Office of the State Fiscal Service Serhiy Lebedko was fired after a public outcry as a response for information about extortion and receiving a large bribe in 2017. Former Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko wrote this on his Facebook.

"Update of the previous post on the appointment of defendant Lebedko to the head of the Large Taxpayers Office of the State Fiscal Service. A decision to dismiss Lebedko was made today (on January 13 - OstroV). Local respect for the authorities", - he wrote.

Earlier, journalist Yurii Butusov reported the appointment of Serhiy Lebedko, who was detained red-handed in 2017 while receiving a bribe of $2.36 million and was dismissed from the tax authorities, Acting Head of the Large Taxpayers Office of the State Fiscal Service.

According to Butusov, Serhiy Lebedko remains in the status of a defendant. The next court session on this case is scheduled for January 17.