
More than 70% of Ukrainians believe that their economic situation has worsened - poll 12/23/2020 17:53:36. Total views 804. Views today — 0.

More than 70% believe that the economic situation in Ukraine has worsened over the past six months. This is evidenced by the survey data of the Rating Sociological Group.

As noted by sociologists, 17% of Ukrainians believe that the economic situation in Ukraine has worsened over the past six months, and only 7% noticed an improvement.

As for the financial situation in the family: 56% felt deterioration, 37% - no change, and only 7% - improvement.

Sentiments about the future are also not very optimistic: only 16% believe that the economic situation in Ukraine will improve in the next 6 months, 32% believe that it will not change, and 47% expect it to deteriorate.

The emotions of disappointment (42%) and hope (32%) prevail across the population.

Citizens consider corruption, war in the Donbas, economic crisis, incompetence of the authorities and the coronavirus epidemic as key national problems. At the same time, the low quality of medicine is added to the listed problems at the personal level, and the problem of the economic crisis is already heading the "rating of problems".

The majority of respondents sees the reason for the possible economic crisis in the incompetence of the authorities (63%), although a quarter believe that the economic decline will come as a result of coronavirus. Another 9% see the war in Donbas as the reason. At the same time, the number of those who explain the situation in the economy by the incompetence of the authorities has grown from 53% to 63% over the past six months.

The survey was conducted by the Rating Sociological Group on December 16-20, 2020 among 2000 respondents throughout Ukraine, with the exception of the territories occupied by Russia. Survey method: personal structured interview (face-to-face). The research coverage error: no more than 2.5%.