
"To work demonstratively": "DNR MIA" receives task to tightly control wearing of masks 10/06/2020 16:28:44. Total views 696. Views today — 0.

The fake "DNR MIA" prepares mass checks of the residents' compliance with anti-epidemiological measures in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast. This is reported in the separatist segment of social networks.

"Wearing masks and social distance are required now in public places, store units and public transport", - the users write.

"The sources informed that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic received instructions from October 7 to start "the most effective" checks, to work "demonstratively". Public transport will be deliberately stopped along the line. "Administrative measures" in the form of fines can be applied even for minimal violations", - the separatists tell.

In addition, they write that there is a possibility that the occupation "authorities of the DNR" will order not to serve customers in store units without a mask and gloves. "At the same time, the owners of the stores will not be held responsible for such buyers. Inspections of the SES are also planned in various directions. In addition, the propaganda of wearing masks in all the media of the republic will intensify", - the messages say.