
People were forced again to spend the night on the road in front of the Zaytsevo checkpoint 03/11/2016 22:54:23. Total views 1127. Views today — 2.

Car passengers were forced again to spend the night on the road in front of Zaytsevo checkpoint in Donetsk region, - reports the SOS Donbass.

Today the queue in the direction of Bakhmut (Artemovsk) finished at the Mayorsk sign, traffic is slow. In Gorlovka direction the queue is more than one kilometer, the traffic is slow. "Yesterday people stayed overnight in both directions in the front of the checkpoint," - said the statement.

At the Novotroitskoye checkpoint the passway is free towards Mariupol, in the direction of Donetsk the queue is more than a kilometer, the traffic is slow. At the Yelenovka post there are about 60 cars in the direction of Mariupol and 20 cars in the direction of Donetsk.

At the Maryenka checkpoint the queue is about a kilometer and traffic is slow towards Kurakhovo, the passway is free in the direction of Donetsk.

At the Pishchevik checkpoint there is a slight queue.

Users of social networks comment on the situation:

#‎Волноваха ‪#‎Новотроицкое ‪#‎Перлына ‪#‎Еленовка

- We can say there is no queue to Donetsk, mother is standing at the 10 sign now

- To Donetsk the queue starts at the 70 sign

- From Donetsk, Yelenovka ~ 60 cars.

- We are standing at zero 1.30, queue barely moves. Beneficiaries are passing, the main queue doesn’t move!

- To Donetsk at Yelenovka 5-10 cars

- From Donetsk

Yelenovka - 20

Perlyna - 80

Novotroitskoye - 30

- Perlyna 1.3km queue

#‎Георгиевка ‪#‎Курахово ‪#‎Марьинка

Queue to Donetsk is 600m! Queue from Donetsk ends right after the bridge.

- From Donetsk there is about 1km of cars to 0 post

- Now the queue to Donetsk is 500m (before turning). Traffic is good!

- At 10 sign! And vans at 30 sign!

- to Donetsk 5 cars probably (do not see) and 10-12 vans in a separate queue. All passed, there had been a queue since the morning)))

- we move very slowly: (((now the cars are to the bridge

Smiley «frown»

#‎Зайцево ‪#‎Майорск ‪#‎Артемовск ‪#‎Бахмут ‪#‎Никитовка

- On both sides 100 cars stayed overnight

- Drove from Artemovsk in the direction of Donetsk at 07:00 and joined the queue at 1000m sign, at 8:25 I am standing on the 800 m sign. The queue moves.

- Zaytsevo towards Gorlovkia, 200+ cars and number is growing rapidly, traffic is slow, every second car is returned due to overweight. more than two new things per human and they return immediately without talking.

- I am standing 100-150 meters away from Mayorsk (passed Mayorsk sign). How long should I wait?

#‎Пищевик ‪#‎Гнутово ‪#‎Октябрь

- Octyaber 20 cars in the direction of Mariupol. All are standing