
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 08/20/2020 11:00:00. Total views 739. Views today — 0.

Situation in the area of rebuff and deterrence against the armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on August 19 remained completely controlled by the Ukrainian soldiers, - the JFO headquarters reported. One fact of the ceasefire violation by the armed formations of the Russian Federation has been recorded since the beginning of the day. The Ukrainian soldiers did not open fire in response and did not succumb to the enemy provocation. The ceasefire was fully preserved in all sectors of the front.

The OSCE special monitoring mission in Ukraine refutes the statements of occupation authorities of the "LNR" about the alleged infection of one of the observers with the COVID-19 virus. This was stated in the message of the Mission on its Facebook. "In accordance with the SMM's medical protocols for crossing the contact line, the observer in question actually went through 14 days of self-isolation and underwent a PCR test just before crossing the contact line. The test result was negative. On the 14th day after crossing the contact line, he also passed an additional quick test, which turned out to be negative too…", - the message said. Earlier, the occupation authorities of the "LNR" demanded explanations from the OSCE SMM leadership regarding the alleged illness of one of the Mission's employees with coronavirus.

Occupation authorities of the "LNR" announced arrest of the so-called "acting minister of industry and trade" Irina Derkach on suspicion of corruption. This was saidin the report of the "LNR Ministry of State Security". "A criminal case has been initiated against Irina Derkach… A preventive measure in the form of detention has been selected for the suspect has been selected as a preventive measure in the form of detention", - the message said. "According to the local "security officers", acting "minister" "was detained on suspicion of corruption", as she "acted to the detriment of economic security of the "republic", "having lobbed the interests of certain business entities".

Residents who are registered in the occupied part of Donetsk oblast ceased to be released into the controlled territory of Ukraine through the Stanytsia Luhanska checkpoint. On Tuesday, all people with a residence permit (registration) in the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast were turned back at the "LNR" checkpoint Stanytsia Luhanska and were threatened with a fine for "illegal crossing of the border between the "LNR" and the "DNR", - the message of "The situation at the checkpoint" Telegram channel said. "Carriers that provided travel services between the "DNR" and Stanytsia and whose announcements were in the network, also canceled all flights. The "border" between the fraternal "republics" remains under lock", - the message said.

Occupiers of the "DNR" recognized 33 new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infection and two deaths over the past day. This was stated in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health". The occupiers state that one of the arrived people from the territory controlled by Ukraine is among the newly detected cases. The rest of the cases were diagnosed in persons who had contact with the diseased earlier, three of them are medical workers. In total, 2 147 cases of COVID-19 were registered in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast as of August 19, 958 people are undergoing treatment and there are 120 deaths.

Schools in the occupied territory will switch to "Russian standards" of education from September 1. This was stated by the so-called "Minister of Education and Science" of the "DNR" Mikhail Kushakov. According to him, all schools in CADO will begin training in accordance with "Russian educational standards from September 1, and general educational institutions will undergo Russian accreditation".