
"DNR" asserts without evidence 85 cases of COVID-19, allegedly imported from controlled territory of Ukraine 08/06/2020 17:22:59. Total views 729. Views today — 1.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" state 85 cases of COVID-19, allegedly imported from the territory of Ukraine controlled by the legal authorities. This is said in the report of the so-called "Ministry of Health".

"Based on the test results, coronavirus infection was detected in 85 people who came to the territory of the "DNR" from (the controlled part - OstroV) Ukraine from June 25, 2020.

As previously reported, the indicators announced by the occupation authorities of CADO are not confirmed by objective evidence: they do not statistically correlate with the number of citizens who entered the contact line and the number of sick people over the same period on the territory of Donetsk oblast free from occupation. In addition, the observation sites to which all those who entered through the Olenivka checkpoint are sent for 14 days do not meet the elementary standards of self-isolation and pose a threat of mass infection.