
"DNR representatives" in JCCC outraged that Ukraine does not recognize impostors. They threaten with escalation 08/04/2020 13:11:03. Total views 670. Views today — 0.

The so-called "DNR representatives" in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of ceasefire and stabilization of the demarcation line between the parties (JCCC) are outraged that the Ukrainian side refuses to recognize their arbitrarily assigned status. This follows from the statement made by the occupation authorities of CADLO.

According to the "DNR representatives" in the JCCC, the parties "exchanged contacts of persons authorized to act as participants in the coordination mechanism and agreed on a scheme of interaction".

However, the occupiers complain, "the Ukrainian side is blocking the implementation of the mechanism in practice".

For the second day in a row, we are attempting to contact the Ukrainian side of the JCCC using the numbers provided earlier to prevent provocations and establish a stable ceasefire, but all messages and calls are ignored", - the "representatives" wonder why the Ukrainian party refuses to conduct a dialogue with the self-proclaimed structure that decides nothing on its own.

At the same time, there are threats from the "DNR" that a further lack of operational communications "could lead to irreparable consequences, including the resumption of escalation".

As previously reported, after the departure of Russian officers in December 2017, the terrorist "DNR/LNR" announced the creation of their own "missions" at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire and expressed a desire to cooperate with the OSCE mission. Officially, there are no representations of the terrorist "republics" in the Joint Center and cannot be such. Before the demarche of the Russian Federation, the JCCC had 128 officers of the AFU and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They worked in 16 control groups - 8 each in the territory controlled by Ukraine and in the zone of occupation. After the adoption of a decision on a full and comprehensive ceasefire in Minsk in July 2020, the Ukrainian side insists that Russian officers return to the Joint Center.