
"DNR" occupiers agree to the fact that Ukraine violated truce in "silent mode" 07/29/2020 15:45:52. Total views 669. Views today — 0.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" have accused the Joint Forces units of violating the declared ceasefire… in a silent mode. This is said in the statement of the "people's militia" (self-name of the illegal armed formations of the "DNR" - OstroV).

According to the pro-Russian propagandists, "small arms fire was opened at Yakovlivka".

Allegedly, the Ukrainian military "used devices for silent shooting in order to prevent the OSCE SMM from recording this incident as a violation of the ceasefire".

At the same time, the report says, covering the sounds of shots, commanders of the JF unit, "who gave the order to fire, clearly emphasized that the instructions of their Supreme Commander-in-Chief V.Zelensky do not matter to them".

The occupiers did not specify where and when "those who gave the order" had made this statement. The "people's militia" was also silent about where the soundless bullets hit and what the consequences of the "shelling" were.