
In gray zone under boiling sun: "DNR" authorities do not let more than 100 people into occupation zone (PHOTO) 07/07/2020 20:14:34. Total views 762. Views today — 1.

More than 100 people, whom the occupation authorities refused to let into their place of registration, are located in the gray zone between the Olenivka checkpoint controlled by "DNR" militants and the Ukrainian Novotroitske checkpoint. This is said in the reports of the separatist information resources.

They note that despite the warnings of a certain "Interagency Headquarters of the DNR", a large number of people drove today at 9.00 through checkpoints from the territory controlled by Ukrain to CADO without confirmation from the "headquarters".

Ukrainian customs let everyone out, as the Novotroitske checkpoint works without restrictions. The occupiers, in turn, refused to let people, whom they call their "citizens", pass through their zero checkpoint, citing the fact that they are not included in the lists.

As a result, more than 100 people gathered near the checkpoint. All of them are located along the road under a boiling sun. There are children under two years of age and the elderly among the "banned".

They sent a letter to the "headquarters" that decide who can enter the "DNR" and who cannot with the request to draw up additional lists and let them enter the occupied territory. The letter says that all citizens agree to a two-week observation.

As OstroV reported, the occupation authorities open their checkpoint on July 7 for one day, limiting the number of citizens to enter/exit as much as possible. The militants will provide passing to the occupied territory only with the permission of the very same headquarters, that is, according to the lists. All arrivals will be sent for compulsory observation "lasting at least 14 days".

As for those who want to leave CADO, the occupiers will pass only those who are registered in the free territory of Ukraine. Thus, residents of the uncontrolled areas of Donetsk oblast are still not allowed to travel abroad.

Earlier, Ukraine opened two checkpoints on the line of contact with the occupied part of Donetsk oblast. However, hiding behind the need to combat the spread of COVID-19, the occupation authorities demanded that the Ukrainian side let in only those citizens whom the occupation authorities unilaterally include in certain lists. In addition, the power structures of the "DPR" made it most difficult for people and vehicles to leave CADO. As a result, large groups of people wishing to both leave the occupied territory and enter it gathered at the Olenivka checkpoint. Unable to establish the work of the transport corridor, the "DNR" leader ordered to close the Olenivka checkpoint, thereby having completely stopped throughput operations on the contact line.

On July 1, the "DNR" occupiers stated they were developing a mechanism for alternative crossing of the demarcation line with the controlled territory of Ukraine.