
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 06/18/2020 11:00:00. Total views 759. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on June 17, armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire three times, - the JFO headquarters reported. Ukraine lost another courageous warrior as a result of the enemy shelling. Our soldiers immediately responded to all possible threats from the occupiers and forced the enemy to stop its aggressive actions. Losses of the occupiers are being specified. Situation in the area of the Joint Forces Operation remains controlled.

More than 10 thousand mercenaries from Russia fought against Ukraine in the east of Donbass in 2014-2015. This was told by Russian propagandist Yuriy Kotenok in social network. According to him, "over 10 thousand volunteers left the "LDNR" after Minsk to Russia and other CIS countries and are eager to make their efforts in the field of volunteerism". "So there are no problems with their recruitment in Russia", - the Russian propagandist stated.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" recognized 889 cases of COVID-19 as of June 17. This was said in the report of the fake "Ministry of Health". It was noted that another 35 cases of COVID-19 were recorded over the new day in CADO. In total, 241 people recovered from the beginning of the pandemic, 603 are under treatment, 45 died.

Leader of the "LNR" Leonid Pasechnik set a day off on June 24 to mark the "Victory Parade". This was said in his "decree". It was reported that the "LNR" was going to use about 120 units of military and historical equipment and about two thousand people.

Occupation authorities of the "LNR" allowed local residents receiving Russian passports to leave for the Rostov oblast. This was said in the message of the so-called "emergency sanitary and anti-epidemic commission under the LNR government". It was noted that this "commission" allowed "departure for Russian passports to persons who received a notification of readiness to issue the document".

Leader of the "DNR" intends to allow residents of the occupied territories to travel to Russia to obtain Russian passports. This was reported by separatist media. The head of the occupation administration once again stated that he did not intend to allow the opening of checkpoints on the contact line because of the threat of the spread of COVID-19. At the same time, Pushilin is ready to open the "border" with the Rostov oblast of Russia, where about 8 thousand cases of COVID-19 have already been recorded.

The "sanitary and anti-epidemic commission" in the so-called "LNR" abolished tight restrictions imposed earlier in Dovzhansk, Rovenky, Antratsyt and Antratsyt district in connection with coronavirus, separatist media wrote. At the same time, it was specified that it was decided to remove all previously established restrictionsin the city of Dovzhansk with the exception of ban on the movement of suburban and intercity transport. Restrictive measures for the movement of residents of Dovzhansk outside the administrative-territorial borders of the city were also preserved.

Traffic in the center of occupied Donetsk will be limited on June 18 due to a rehearsal of the so-called "Victory Parade". This was reported by the fake "Department of State Automobile Inspection of the MIA". "The movement of all types of vehicles, including municipal public transport will be limited on Thursday, June 18, from 06:00 to 13:00 in connection with preparations for the "Victory Parade", - the message said.