
Inventory taking! Ukraine in TСG insists on full restoration of Ukrainian legislation throughout Donbass 06/16/2020 10:47:06. Total views 705. Views today — 0.

During the meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group (Ukraine, Russia, the OSCE) on June 15, the Ukrainian delegation has emphasized the need for full restoration of Ukrainian legislation in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine, restoration of taxation and settlements systems within the framework of the Ukrainian legal boundaries. This was reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine.

It is noted that the results of the work of socio-economic group were discussed and summed up.

The Ukrainian delegation emphasized the need for the inventory taking of state-owned and private property in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine. This refers to the state of enterprises of all forms of ownership, including branches of banking institutions.

Representatives of Ukraine also insisted on ensuring the functioning of mobile communications in these territories by Ukrainian operators, having stressed that it primarily refers to meeting the humanitarian needs.

Ukraine also considers the water supply to consumers in the Luhansk oblast extremely important.

The Ukrainian delegation emphasized that the issue of ecology is important for Ukraine and confirmed its readiness to discuss this issue during subsequent consultations of the socio-economic group.

The Ukrainian side initiated an extraordinary meeting of this group at the end of the humanitarian group's work again. The OSCE representative supported the proposal of Ukraine.

Also, the Ukrainian delegation once again emphasized in the framework of the TСG meeting that three parties were determined by the TCG participants: Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE.

The report recalls that regular meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group (Ukraine, Russia, the OSCE), which was held via video conference with the participation of representatives of certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine as part of the Ukrainian delegation, began on June 10. Back then, on the proposal of special representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Heidi Grau, a break for technical reasons was announced until Monday, June 15. A number of issues were discussed in the framework of the work of the security, political and humanitarian groups of the TCG.