
"DPR citizenship" is promised to all foreign fighters, mercenaries, including the homeless 03/03/2016 18:11:26. Total views 1153. Views today — 0.

Passports of the "DPR citizenship" is promised to be issued to all foreign mercenaries and persons without any citizenship. This is stated in the resolution of the so-called "Council of Ministers of the "DPR" - "On approval of the passport of the citizen of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Thus, the "DPR" said among the categories of people entitled to receive the passport are "Russian citizens (other states), as well as stateless persons and persons who are unable to confirm the affiliation to the citizenship of any of the states and arrived in the Donetsk People's Republic and serve in the military, security forces or law enforcement agencies of the Donetsk People's Republic".