
Zelensky believes that salary of $200 is not poverty 05/20/2020 17:08:10. Total views 726. Views today — 0.

Salaries in Ukraine in the amount of $190-220 are not indicators of poverty in our country. This was stated by President Volodymyr Zelensky at a press conference in Kyiv today, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

This way he commented on the UNICEF forecast that more than 6 million people in Ukraine could be below the poverty line due to the socio-economic crisis caused by COVID-19.

"They (UNICEF - OstroV) have world statistics, they compare the minimum wage, and on the whole, our average salary is lower. This is not quite adequate (in a good sense) information about Ukraine… It seems that all people who will receive $190-220 believe that they are poor. Yes, this is quite a small salary compared to European or American standards. I understand that their $250 is a penny-ante salary. This is a small salary for us as well, but this is not poverty in Ukraine", - he said.

As previously reported, ex-Minister of Education in the government, formed by the Ze-team, Anna Novosad stated that she could not afford herself to give birth and raise a child for $1360 of salary per month.