
Wednesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 03/26/2020 12:00:00. Total views 814. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on March 25, the armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire seven times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at our positions from 120 mm and 82 mm mortars banned by the Minsk agreements, grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. There are no casualties among the Joint Forces members as a result of the enemy shelling. Our defensive units used available weapons and gave the armed formations of the Russian Federation an adequate response. There were no cases of coronavirus infection among the personnel of the Joint Forces.

The Donetsk filtration station, which provides water supply to settlements on both sides of the demarcation line, will be stopped on March 25. This was reported by the Coda Donbassa Company. "The Donetsk filtration station will be stopped today due to the lack of a guarantee of security for the delivery of employees", - the report said. The water supply will be completely cut off to the city of Avdiivka, the village of Verkhniotoretske and the village of Vasylivka. Water supply to the city of Donetsk will be reduced by 30% (Kuibyshevskyi, Kirovskyi, Petrovskyi, part of the Leninskyi and Kyivskyi districts).

An accident at a water conduit in the occupied Luhansk region led to a reduction in water supply to 2.4 thousand subscribers of the Lutuhyne district, separatist media reported. "Due to the accident at the water conduit (plastic) with a diameter of 315 mm, the water supply was partially reduced to Lutuhyne and Heorhiivka, only 2400 subscribers", - the report said. The date of restoration of water supply was not reported.

Militants of the illegal armed formations block the attempts of the CADLO residents to return from the territory controlled by the Ukrainian authorities to their place of residence. This was reported by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. So, border guards returned six residents of the temporarily occupied cities of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions to the controlled territory of Ukraine from the so-called grey zone - three residents of Luhansk, including a child of tender years, were allowed to pass through the Marinka checkpoint, two residents of Makiivka and one of Horlivka were allowed to pass through the Mayorskoye checkpoint. All of them had earlier been allowed to pass in the direction of the temporarily occupied territory on the same day, however, by evening, the militants refused them entry without explanation and forced them to return to the so-called grey zone.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" decided on the need for a self-isolation regime for citizens coming from the Russian Federation. This was stated in the so-called "Ministry of Health of the DNR", - separatist media wrote. "At present, 418 people are in self-isolation, 80 are under fixed surveillance. There is not a single confirmed case of COVID-19 in the "republic". From today, residents arriving in the "republic" from the Russian Federation will also undergo a self-isolation regime", - the message said.

Another 7 people were hospitalized with suspected COVID-19 in the so-called "DNR". This was stated by calling herself "Minister of Health" Olga Dolgoshapko. "7 people have been hospitalized in hospitals (including 1 child) over the past day", - she said.

The so-called "Prosecutor General's Office of the DNR "opened a "criminal case" against ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko "on suspicion of organizing the murder of militant commander Arsen Pavlov "Motorola", - separatist media wrote. Fake "investigation" in the "DNR" believes that Poroshenko "approved the executed plan of Pavlov’s murder by the Ukrainian secret services". In addition, the former president of Ukraine declared in absentia "wanted" in the "DNR" and "was chosen a preventive measure in the form of detention".

Basic foodstuffs have risen in price in the occupied part of Donetsk oblast over the past two weeks by 10% or more. This was reported by author of the popular in the occupied Donbass Telegram channel "Donetsk Aborigine". "Basic vegetables - 10-15%, for example, potatoes - from 18-20 rubles per kilogram to 25-30. Sugar from an early price of 24-25 rubles rose in retail chains to 36-38 and 40-50 rubles in the markets. All cereals took a jump in the same percentage - 10% for retail chains and 20% for the market. Price increase affected the remaining less mass products a shade less, sunflower oil (5-7%) and the like", - the author wrote. The "Donetsk Aborigine" notes that the rise in price could be attributed to the hype created by the population against the background of the situation with coronavirus, but it is also a matter of the fact that the occupation authorities have been mowing exporters and wholesalers for years, from those staying afloat, who did not fall under the MIA outrage - only those who are under a share roof with Pushilin (the "DNR" leader - ed.)".