
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 01/28/2020 11:00:00. Total views 765. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on January 27, the armed formations of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire 9 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at our positions from 120 mm and 82 mm mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, as well as from grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and other small arms. The headquarters reported no losses among the Joint Forces members.

Militants of the so-called "DNR" detained director of the Komsomolets Donbasu coal mine Andriy Vashura, who demanded to pay off the wage areas. According to the mine employees, the detention of the director by the so-called "Organized Crime Control Bureau of the DNR" was due to the fact that Vashura refused to "ship coal to the Pushilinsky Coal House until the full payment of wage arrears to the staff from mid-November 2019". According to the miners, the formal reason for the detention was charges of embezzlement. They write in social networks that the director of Komsomolets Donbasu was taken away by the "DNR" security forces right during a staff meeting, where the issue of salary arrears was discussed.

Occupied Donetsk may be left without municipal transport: equipment ran its course, hundreds of specialists are leaving Donelektroavtotrans due to the low salaries. This was reported by one of the separatist television channels. There is a crowding in trolleybuses and trams at rush hour. Donelektroavtotrans says that the problem is that there is an acute shortage of drivers to carry out the planned number of trips. The employees leave due to the low salaries: 800 people have been laid off over the past two years. The local Donelektroavtotrans enterprise is not able to raise salaries, as the current fares for travel cover only 17% of all expenses. The management of Donelektroavtotrans offers to increase the cost of a one-way ticket to six Russian rubles.

A man with a gun robbed a store in occupied Shakhtarsk. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA". It was reported that "threatening with a gun, the unknown took possession of money and food in one of the city shops".

Two people died, four more, including children, received injuries of varying severity in occupied Lugansk, two people died, four more, including children, received injuries of varying severity as a result of collision of a fixed-route taxi and a car. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA". It was reported that an accident occurred in the vicinity of the Stroytsentr public transport stop - a citizen born in 1967, driving a minibus Ruta SVP-20, drove into the oncoming lane, where he collided with a VAZ-2101 car driven by a citizen of 1971 year of birth. As a result of the accident, the driver of the VAZ-2101 car and its passenger, a citizen, born in 1955, died at the scene of the accident. A woman, born in 1984, and a child, born in 2014, were hospitalized with injuries of varying severity. The minibus passenger was also hospitalized with head injuries.