
The number of desertions and surrenders is growing in the ranks of the militants – Intelligence 02/25/2016 21:37:04. Total views 1092. Views today — 0.

The number of cases of surrender and desertion in the ranks of the militants on the occupied territory of Donbass is growing, - reports the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The Intelligence notes that threat of resumption of active hostilities and sharp decline in the moral and combat spirit leads to "an increase in cases of dismissal from military service soldiers of 1st and 2nd AC, as well as their desertion and surrender."

"On February 22nd this year, ​​three soldiers of the 7th separate motorized rifle brigade (Debaltsevo) of the 2nd AC were shot by Russian soldiers in the area of Svetlodarsk, while attempting to surrender. One soldier was killed and two were wounded. There are cases of mass desertion in the units of the 1st battalion of territorial defense ( Mikhailovka) of the 1st AC. Facts of mass dismissal of Russian servicemen and their return to Russia take place in divisions of the 5th separate motorized rifle brigade (Abundant) of the 1st AC, " - said the statement.
