
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 11/29/2019 11:00:00. Total views 750. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on November 28, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire 5 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units from grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and other small arms. There were no casualties among the Joint Forces members during the day as a result of shelling.

The so-called "MFA" of the "DNR" stated that within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk, the parties discussed changing the law on the "special status of Donbass". This was said in the press service of the so-called "ministry" of the pseudo-republic. "…Representatives of both parties to the conflict exchanged their views on changing the existing law on the special status of Donbass, in particular, the negotiators discussed the implementation of the Steinmeier formula in the given law", - representative of the "DNR" Natalia Nikonorova stated. At the same time, Darka Olifer, press secretary of representative of Ukraine in the TCG in Minsk Leonid Kuchma, reported on her Facebook only the fact of the TCG meeting in Minsk itself. Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada speaker Dmytro Razumkov stated that the development of the law "on the special status of Donbass" would depend on negotiations in the Normandy format.

Residents of occupied Donetsk report the repeated arson of building of the clinic No.18 in the Kyiv district of the city. They wrote this in social networks. "At night, the third arson of clinic No.18 was made over the course of a month. The arsons were committed in five places", - the eyewitness wrote, having posted the corresponding photo. The building of the clinic previously came under fire, the medical facility itself is not working. Residents of Donetsk wrote in the comments "there is an equipment near the building… you understand which one".

The International Committee of the Red Cross sent three humanitarian aid trucks to the temporarily occupied territory of Donbass. This was reported by the press service of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Hygiene kits, building materials and medical preparations with a total weight of 12.36 tons were sent for the residents of Donbass.

Two convoys of the so-called Russian "humanitarian convoy" proceeded through the Russian "Matveyev Kurgan" and "Donetsk" (Rostov oblast) checkpoints from 5.00 to 6.15 on November 28 to enter Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported. The ninety-third "humanitarian convoy" consisted of 42 vehicles. Its movement took place with a gross violation of international and domestic laws and modalities agreed with the International Committee of the Red Cross. The Ukrainian interagency group carried out only visual observation without performing control functions. The trucks allegedly transported baby food, equipment and medicines. However, given the fact that the goods were transported in closed packages, the Ukrainian group of border guards and customs officers failed to obtain true information about their contents, nature and nomenclature. In addition, the vehicle load was about 70%, - the State Border Guard Service reported.

Water supply to six cities in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast was reduced, separatist media wrote. "In connection with reconstruction of the Rodakove water intake from 07.00 on November 28 approximately to 17.00 on November 28 (time for entering the working mode – until 24:00 on November 28), water supply to consumers in the cities: Perevalsk and Alchevsk will be reduced by 30%; Krasnyi Luch, Antratsyt and Petrovske – by 10%; Rodakove – by 100%", - the report said.