
"Pipe break". Records testifying alleged meddling of OPU and Bohdan in concerns of SBI appear on Internet 11/20/2019 15:56:17. Total views 1141. Views today — 0.

An anonymous "Pipe break" channel appeared on Telegram, which uploads audio recordings allegedly made in the office of head of the State Bureau of Investigation Roman Truba (his family name is translated as Pipe - ed.), and on which it is clearly heard that the affairs of the SBI are "supervised" by unauthorized people, including the head of the President's Office.

It appears from the records that criminal cases are closed or updated at the command from upstairs. So, searches in various structures stop by a phone call from the Office of the President and the GPOU, in particular, the command to stop searches in PrivatBank and the NBU was received before the arrival of the IMF mission.

Cases against the former leadership of Ukraine are declared priority. According to the records, the progress of the investigation of cases, where the former president Petro Poroshenko appears, was personally monitored by head of the OPU Andriy Bohdan.

The channel also posted records of conversations that resolve issues of bringing them under charges of various persons close to the current government. So, for example, a conversation of allegedly director of the SBI Roman Truba with head of the Monitor company Mykhaylo Nemyrovsky, which produces sleeping bags for the Ministry of Defense, was made public. As the records indicate, the SBI are trying to divert suspicion from Nemyrovsky of involvement in the supply of low-quality ammunition for the army.

The authenticity of these records is not confirmed, but most analysts tend to believe that the posted conversations really took place.