
Because of dissidence! Servant of the People explains why two people's deputies were expelled 11/15/2019 18:12:08. Total views 767. Views today — 0.

Anton Poliakov and Anna Skorokhod were expelled from the faction because of the violation of the party discipline. People's deputy from the Servants of the People Oleksandr Korniyenko reported this on the sidelines of the parliament today, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"This is a violation of agreements regarding a common position on those issues on which the faction has a common position… I have complaints about the party discipline", - he said.

"If a person systematically does not agree with the opinion of the faction, then why should we continue to be together?", - he added.

Answering the question of journalists about why the expelled people's deputies violated the party discipline, Korniyenko replied: "Perhaps, there are some external or internal motives".

Earlier, people's deputies from Servant of the People Anton Poliakov and Anna Skorokhod were expelled from the faction.