
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 11/05/2019 12:00:00. Total views 817. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on November 4, the armed formations of the Russian Federation and its mercenaries violated the ceasefire 16 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units from 122 mm artillery banned by the Minsk agreements, 82 and 120 mm mortars, IFV weapons, grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and other small arms. There were no loses among the Joint Forces personnel during the current day.

The local school had to be evacuated because of the powerful shelling that the armed formations of the Russian Federation and its mercenaries carried out on November 4 near Novotoshkivske in the Luhansk region, - the Joint Forces Operation headquarters reported. "Children who were at school were evacuated to a bomb shelter during the powerful shelling of our positions by Russian occupiers in the area of Novotoshkivske. There were no civilian casualties. The process of education continued after the shelling", - the headquarters reported. Earlier, the headquarters reported the occupiers fired from the entire spectrum of weapons near Novotoshkivske, starting with small arms and mortars of various calibers and 122 mm artillery.

Technical and pyrotechnic work continued at disengagement site No.2 in the area of Zolote-4 settlement of the Luhansk oblast on November 4, - the Joint Forces headquarters reported. "A technical examination is underway, clearance of roads and road sides, cleaning of the area contaminated with explosive objects", - the headquarters reported. At the same time, the headquarters clarified that these works would last until November 9 according to the schedule.

The process of the disengagement of forces and means at disengagement section of the parties No.3 (Bohdanivka and Petrovske) in the Donetsk oblast will begin on November 8. This was reported by the JFO commander, Lieutenant General Volodymyr Kravchenko during a press conference in Kramatorsk on November 4. "We have already submitted a letter to the OSCE. We are starting on November 7, and practically disengaging on November 8, if the ceasefire is not violated", - Volodymyr Kravchenko said. In turn, head of the Ukrainian party of the JCCC, Colonel Oleksandr Borshchevsky noted that the withdrawal of troops will take place, if the ceasefire lasts for seven days.

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Aleksey Zhuravlyov illegally crossed the border of Ukraine and visited Zolote-5 in the Luhansk oblast, where disengagement of forces and means is taking place. This was reported by commander of the JF Operation Lieutenant General Volodymyr Kravchenko during a press conference in Kramatorsk on November 4. "The situation around is controlled, both in Stanytsia Luhanska and Zolote, except for Zolote -5, which is not under the control of Ukraine and where the representative of the State Duma got to. He got there illegally", - Volodymyr Kravchenko said. The information that the State Duma deputy Zhuravlyov visited the former positions of the "LNR" militants in the area of Zolote-5 appeared in the news story of the News Front TV channel controlled by the militants. Zhuravlyov was accompanied by observers from the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission and militants with blue sleeve insignia, the so-called JCCC.

Head of the "representative office" of the so-called "DNR" in the JCCC Ruslan Yakubov stated that Ukraine allegedly disrupts the arrangements for the disengagement of forces and means in Petrovske. This was reported by the media controlled by the militants. At the same time, the representative of the militants concealed that Ukraine refused to withdraw due to the fact that shelling by the occupation forces was recorded on this site on October 30. As previously reported, a mirror withdrawal of troops was to begin on the Petrovske-Bohdanivka section on November 4. The date and corresponding plan were agreed by the Contact Group at a meeting in Minsk on October 29. Representatives of the so-called "People's Police of the DNR" launched a white flare rocket in Petrovske on Monday at 12 o'clock as a sign of readiness to resume the process of troops' withdrawal, although they were warned in advance by the Ukrainian party that it was not possible to withdraw forces and means before seven days of ceasefire.

Illegal armed formations fired at the unmanned aerial vehicle of the OSCE SMM in the area of Chermalyk, the Joint Forces headquarters reported. "…Representatives of the Mission observed the situation in the area of ​​Chermalyk settlement of the Donetsk oblast with the help of UAV of the Quadro type. When the aircraft crossed the demarcation line and performed its functions in the temporarily occupied territory, the enemy fired eight bursts of rifle weapons at 12.09 and 5 more bursts seven minutes after. In addition, the occupiers made attempts to influence the UAV operation by electronic warfare", - the report said. In order to prevent the loss of the unmanned aerial vehicle, representatives of the OSCE SMM were forced to land it at the take-off site, in the area of Chermalyk.

Major of the Ukrainian police Volodymyr Stetsiuk died while serving in the Joint Forces area at the Lysychansk-Hirne checkpoint in the Luhansk oblast. This was reported by the National Police of Ukraine. The report notes that the police major was 47 years old. "He served in the company of the Ternopil special-purpose patrol police for the past year and a half. Together with his sworn brothers, he repeatedly performed combat missions in the east of the country, where he always showed courage, stamina and professionalism", - the report said.

The debt of residents for rent alone in occupied Donetsk is more than 500 million Russian rubles. This was stated by head of the housing and public utilities department of the occupation administration of Donetsk Valeriy Litvinov in a comment to the occupation media. "Today we have more than half a billion - debt only for rent…", - he said. Moreover, according to Litvinov, there are homeowners in occupied Donetsk, who have dozens of apartments and do not pay for their maintenance. "Some residents have 15-17 apartments and a debt of up to a million (rubles - OstroV")", - he said without giving the names of the debtors. Litvinov added that the debt is trying to be collected via the "courts".