
Court cancels home arrest of former member of Party of Regions Yefremov. Passport will be returned to suspected of high treason 09/19/2019 16:07:26. Total views 878. Views today — 0.

The Starobilsk District Court of the Luhansk oblast has canceled around-the-clock home arrest of former chairman of the Party of Regions faction in the Verkhovna Rada Oleksandr Yefremov on September 18. This was stated by Yefremov's lawyer Oleksandr Melnikov, - Ukrayinski Novyny reports.

He noted that on September 18, the court considered extending the preventive measure in the form of home arrest or replacing it.

Melnikov emphasized that the defense demanded that the preventive measure for the defendant be lifted at all.

"The court decided to cancel the home arrest and replaced it with personal recognizance… This is the mildest measure of restraint. In fact, the person simply agrees to appear in court", - the lawyer reported.

According to him, Yefremov's passport will be returned, and the obligation to wear an electronic tracking bracelet has also been removed from him.

The lawyer said that the process against the former head of the PR faction is at the stage of studying defense materials.

Melnikov is confident that his client will be acquitted by the court due to the lack of evidence of his guilt.

After the rehabilitation of Yefremov, the defense intends to take on the prosecution of persons involved in the criminal prosecution of the Rada's ex-deputy.

The lawyer also admits that Yefremov will file a claim for compensation for moral and material damage due to his detention in custody for more than 3 years.

As previously reported, the Kyiv Court of Appeal released Yefremov from custody on July 22 and sent him to home arrest with wearing of electronic bracelet.

On January 16, 2017, the Starobilsk District Court of the Luhansk oblast began to consider the case against Yefremov, accused of separatism, high treason, organizing seizure of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, aiding seizure of the Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine and creating the self-proclaimed "Luhansk People's Republic".

He was detained in Kyiv on July 30, 2016.