
We not to be able to return Donbass if we force it to speak Ukrainian - Shefir 07/19/2019 13:34:15. Total views 874. Views today — 0.

The return of the occupied Donbass will be impossible if its inhabitants are forced to speak Ukrainian. This opinion was expressed by First Assistant to the President of Ukraine Serhiy Shefir in an interview with Livyi Bereh.

"I believe that the language speculation has begun. This issue separates the country. Now children speak Ukrainian in kindergartens. In the future, this will be fixed genetically. There is no need to divide people. Historically, half of the population spoke Russian, half - Ukrainian", - he explained his position.

"My opinion is that we will not be able to return the Donbass, forcing them to speak Ukrainian", - he voiced his own point of view on the language problem.

He stood with head of the Office of the President Andriy Bohdan, who stated that "Donetsk and Luhansk should be allowed to speak Russian".

"There is a sense in these words, because it will not be possible to return people without agreeing to minimal compromises with their mentality. Given that Ukrainian is the only state language", - Zelensky's first assistant concluded.