
Indefinite ceasefire in Donbass from midnight on July 21 agreed in Minsk 07/18/2019 11:57:31. Total views 919. Views today — 0.

At the negotiations in Minsk on July 17, an agreement was reached on the indefinite ceasefire in Donbass from midnight on July 21. This is reported by Darka Olifer, press secretary of the Ukrainian representative at the talks, Leonid Kuchma, on her Facebook.

"The trilateral contact group with the participation of representatives of CADLO, recognizing the positive impact of the practice of confirming loyalty to the ceasefire, noting the importance of ensuring peace and tranquility for the population, as well as on the basis of previous agreements and commitments of the parties: reaffirms its full commitment to a comprehensive, sustainable and indefinite ceasefire from midnight on July 21, 2019, Kyiv time; reiterates its general and firm commitment to the full implementation of the Minsk agreements; pledges to ensure full and secure access to the OSCE SMM throughout the territory of Ukraine in accordance with its mandate for monitoring and verification conducted by it, including with the use of its technical means", - the report said.

Olifer also reminds that disengagement of forces and equipment in the area of Stanytsia Luhanska has been completed.

"We agreed that a simultaneous dismantling of fortifications will take place in the near future, the depoliticization will also take place - the quasi-grouping symbols will be removed. The Ukrainian party is ready to provide its part of the bridge's repair as soon as possible", - Olifer noted.