
Tatars massively receive draft cards in occupied Crimea – media 02/18/2016 15:06:51. Total views 1136. Views today — 0.

Mobilization is taking place in occupied Crimea and the majority of recruits is Crimean Tatars. A source in the peninsula informed 15 minutwebsite.

"Crimean Tatar of 35 with 3 children, the youngest is 1.5, got a draft card from Belogorsk district. He says that he had seen the list of conscripts on the sheet of the A-4 format, all the names were Crimean Tatar," – he says

It is noted that the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation initiated the training and testing of the combat readiness of the Southern Military District on February 8th, according to which military units in Crimea were put on full combat alert.

Information on the mobilization of reservists in Crimea appeared on February 9th. They will be allegedly sent to a three-month training courses within the general mobilization.