
OSCE PA adopts declaration condemning annexation of Crimea and militarization of Black Sea 07/08/2019 16:24:31. Total views 816. Views today — 0.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe has adopted today a declaration containing a resolution condemning the annexation of the Crimea and militarization of the waters of the Black and Azov Seas. This was reported by people's deputy of Ukraine, deputy member of the permanent delegation of Ukraine in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Serhiy Vysotsky on Facebook.

"The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has just with 94 votes for and 7 against adopted the Luxembourg Declaration. Our resolution became part of the declaration condemning the annexation of the Crimea and militarization of the water areas of occupied Sevastopol, Crimea, Black and Azov Seas. Furthermore, the Lithuanian resolution on the threat of the Northern Stream - 2 became part of the declaration. In addition, the 24th paragraph of the report of the political committee of the OSCE PA (the report also became part of the declaration) noted that it was Russia that did not comply with the Minsk agreements and called for it to implement them", - Vysotsky reported.

He also noted that one of the members of the Swiss delegation, which had long been noted in sympathy with Russia, tried to withdraw the 24th point from the vote.

"But we defended it during the voting by 79 votes against 29. The Russians, as always, tried to disrupt the meeting. This year, by speaking about the absence of a quorum. The piquancy of the situation was that only one of the 9 members of the Russian delegation attended the meeting. That is, they disrupted the Assembly’s quorum while protesting against disrupting the quorum. This provocative behavior of the Russian delegation was condemned by many other delegations", - Vysotsky noted.