
OSCE UAV spots movement of military trucks from Russia to occupied Luhansk region 06/05/2019 15:31:24. Total views 848. Views today — 0.

On the nights of 30 May and 2 June, an SMM long-range unmanned aerial vehicle spotted trucks traveling from an area near the border with the Russian Federation to non-government-controlled areas of Luhansk region. This is noted in the mission's report, - North operational-tactical grouping writes on Facebook.

Thus, on the night of 30 May-1 June, an SMM long-range UAV spotted three stationary military-type trucks facing west on an unpaved road near Cheremshyne settlement, about 2km west of the border. The UAV then spotted another military-type truck and a car.

"The truck and the car then joined the other trucks in a convoy, which then proceeded to a compound of the armed formations on the south-eastern outskirts of Luhansk city where four persons were seen unloading materials from the trucks. At least 35 military-type trucks and an APC (BTR-80) were also seen at the compound", - the report said.

On the night of 2-3 June, on the same dirt track, an SMM long-range UAV spotted a stationary car (SUV-type) about 150m west of the border and a stationary military-type truck about 900m further west.

"About two hours later, the UAV spotted another military-type truck driving west on this dirt track away from the border. This truck and the car then continued towards a bus station in Dovzhansk (formerly Sverdlovsk, where a third vehicle (assessed as a probable military-type truck) joined the convoy", - the report said.

According to the Mission, the convoy proceeded further until an area 2km east of Verkhnoshevyrivka (non-government-controlled).

Furthermore, on 29 May, in a field about 3km south-west of a border crossing point near Dovzhanske (non-government-controlled), aerial imagery available to the SMM revealed the presence of new car tracks leading towards the border.