
Poroshenko signs amendments to Constitution of Ukraine on path towards membership in EU and NATO 02/19/2019 16:11:25. Total views 847. Views today — 0.

President Petro Poroshenko has signed amendments to the Constitution on the path of Ukraine towards its membership in the EU and NATO, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

The signing of the document occurred during a special meeting of the Verkhovna Rada in connection with the fifth anniversary of the Russian aggression.

"The legislative initiative aims to make the necessary changes to the Constitution in order to implement the purposeful pragmatic path of Ukraine to acquire full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and North Atlantic Treaty Organization as strategic foreign policy priorities of the state", - the law's explanatory note said.

The law also repeals the norm on the possibility of using the existing military bases on the territory of Ukraine for the temporary stay of foreign military formations on lease in the transitional provisions of the Constitution.

Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada established in the Constitution of Ukraine the country's strategic path towards its membership in the EU and NATO by a constitutional majority.