
Court finds Yanukovych's guilt of high treason and complicity with Putin's aggression proven 01/24/2019 12:47:53. Total views 903. Views today — 0.

Kyiv's Obolonsky district court believes that there is sufficient evidence proving former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych is guilty of treason and complicity in an aggressive war Russia has been waging against Ukraine, - UNIAN reports.

"Despite a not guilty plea by the person accused, the court, having heard the testimony of witnesses, examined conclusions of experts, documents and material evidence, assessed the arguments of prosecution and defense, considers that the guilt of the accused in committing the crimes under Part 1 Article 111 (high treason), Part 5 Article 27, Part 2 Article 437 (complicity in conducting an aggressive war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is duly proved by relevant and admissible evidence", - the judge said.

The judges continue handing down the verdict in the courtroom.

As the Obolonsky district court's spokesperson Inna Svynarenko reported, the court has not yet declared ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych guilty of some of the articles of the Criminal Code, which the prosecutor's office incriminate him on charges of high treason.

Responding to a question whether the admission of due evidence in the case of state treason is appropriate and permissible at the moment for recognizing Yanukovych's guilt under Article 111 of the Criminal Code (high treason), Svynarenko stated: "Absolutely not. Now it is being proclaimed that evidence is appropriate and permissible, and each piece of this evidence is being described". She also added that the ultimate decision on finding Yanukovych guilty or not guilty will be announced at the final part of the verdict.

Yanukovych is charged with treason, complicity with the Russian authorities and deliberate actions committed to alter the state border of Ukraine in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution, as well as waging an aggressive war. These are the crimes stipulated in Part 1 of Article 111, Part 5 of Article 27, Part 3 of Article 110, and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.