
Aggressor decides to set itself up as victim of "Ukrainian aggression": Russia requested an urgent meeting of UN Security Council 11/26/2018 13:14:37. Total views 1060. Views today — 0.

Having carried out an outrage of aggression in the Black Sea, Russia requested an urgent meeting of the members of the UN Security Council at 11 a.m. on Monday (7 p.m. Moscow time) on the situation in the Sea of Azov. This was stated to journalists by Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation in the world organization Dmitriy Polianskiy, - RIA Novosti writes.

"In connection with the dangerous development of the situation in the Sea of Azov and events that followed them, Russia requested an urgent convocation of open meeting of the Security Council on the morning of November 26 under the agenda item "Maintaining international peace and security", -Polianskiy said.

The meeting is tentatively scheduled for 7 p.m. Moscow time, he added.

As previously reported, on November 25, Russian ships opened fire on Ukrainian ships while leaving the Kerch Strait. Two armored boats Berdiansk and Nikopol and the Yany Kapu sea mule tugboat were captured by the aggressors. The Russians moored them in the port of occupied Kerch.

The Prosecutor General's Office, jointly with the SBU, has registered and is carrying out urgent investigative actions on the act of waging a war of aggression by the Russian Federation (under Art. 437 of the Criminal Code).

The Russian Federation, in turn, stated that the Ukrainian warships had illegally penetrated the territorial waters of their state and headed for the Kerch Strait, had not warned about the transfer and carried out dangerous maneuvers.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko convened a war cabinet because of the escalation of situation in the Sea of Azov. At midnight, a meeting of the NSDC was held, during which the President of Ukraine supported position of the military committee on the imposition of martial law. Following the meeting, the NSDC sent a proposal to the Parliament to impose martial law for 60 days. The Rada will hold an emergency meeting on November 26 at 4 p.m.