
Occupied Dokuchaievsk is closed for entry and exit - social networks 11/02/2018 13:40:24. Total views 1139. Views today — 0.

Entry and exit in occupied Dokuchaievsk are blocked on Friday, November 2. This is reported by local residents in social networks.

"The entrance to Dokuchaievsk is blocked. The ring operation", "It means that it is impossible to enter or leave", - users of social networks write.

It was reported before that the bread-baking plant did not work in the city, and the fake "department for fighting against economic crimes" visited Elit.

Here is what the locals wrote:

"What is happening, the bread-baking plant does not work, the department for fighting against economic crimes hustled Elit. Who knows anything?", "As usual, they cannot share it! Fleecers", "The same was with Akhunzian. So we are waiting for sea change and, most likely, for the return of the former owner of Elit".

It was reported earlier that in the winter of 2017, the occupation authorities took away business from a local entrepreneur Alexander Akhunzianov and banned him from entering CDDO. Alexander Akhunzianov, former deputy of the Dokuchaievsk City Council, founded the DORS Elit+ holding in 1995. The holding served more than 700 stores in 155 settlements of 5 districts of the Donetsk oblast (Marinka, Volnovakha, Starobesheve, Velyka Novosilka and Telmanove). After the occupation of part of Donetsk oblast, some stores of the Elite + retail chain continued to work in the "DNR".