
Afro-militant Beness Aijo explains why semi-criminal dictatorship was established in "DNR" 10/19/2018 15:03:22. Total views 1980. Views today — 0.

Semi-criminal dictatorship, led by militants Alexander Zakharchenko and Alexander Timofieyev (Tashkent), was established in the "DNR" as interim authority in the hope that the occupied territories would soon be joined to Russia. Militant Beness Aijo told this in an interview with Novaya Gazeta.

He complained that there are no democratic institutions in the "DPR" now. The correspondent reminded him that in 2014, such "authorities" were welcomed by all participants of the Russian Spring.

"That is, four years ago, you agreed to the semi-criminal dictatorship that appeared here together with Zakharchenko and Tashkent, and now you are complaining about the absence of democratic institutions, right?", - he asked.

Beness Aijo acknowledged that this is true. "We thought it would be temporary. Well, mess, well, they will steal, but then we will still join Russia, order… Up to the Battle of Debaltseve, we believed that the Abkhaz and South Ossetian scenario would be implemented in the Donbass: Russia gives us protection and recognizes our independence with an eye to joining. The expansion of Novorossia slowed down then, but at least, let those territories that are will be recognized [by Russia]", - he complained.

"Then we began to be said that we should be patient, that the situation is difficult, that Minsk is Putin's special cunning plan, because in any case, Ukraine will never abide by these agreements. We sort of agreed. At the same time, a mess, corruption and closing up of democratic processes began to grow inside the republics. But we tolerated because we believed that the cunning plan would win anyway. But it turned out that Moscow doesn't want to do anything quickly", - the militant complained about the perfidy of Russia, which provoked the conflict in Donbass.

Beness Aijo (Black Lenin) was born in Latvia in 1979. His father is Ugandan and his mother is Russian. He defended his master's degree in biology in Riga, studied in Britain, became a communist and active participant in the national Bolshevik movement. In 2014, he supported Russian Spring in the Crimea and events in the Donbass, later joined the armed separatist groups and became the face of a radical international supporting Novorossia. A writ was issued against him in Latvia — Black Lenin is accused there of numerous crimes against the statehood of the Baltic republic. Ukrainian authorities bring charges against Aijo as well.